Graphical Thornton, Colorado Weather Forecast

Today's Weather Story   
NWS Forecast for Thornton   
here the graph will be drawn

 nsn90 nsn90 nsn90 nsn90 nsn90 nsn80 sn80 sn80 sn80 sn80 sn80 nsn50 nbkn nbkn nsct nsct nsct nsct sct sct bkn sn nsn60 nsn60 nbkn
Some clouds, Definitely Moderate Snow Some clouds, Definitely Moderate Snow Some clouds, Definitely Light Snow Some clouds, Likely Light Snow Some clouds, Chance Light Snow Partly cloudy Some clouds Some clouds, Slight Chance Light Snow Some clouds, Slight Chance Light Snow Some clouds, Likely Light Snow
10° 10° 17° 17° -1° -1° 19° 19°
0.10in -in -in -in -in -in -in -in -in -in
12 mph - 3 Bft
9 mph - 3 Bft
9 mph - 3 Bft
10 mph - 3 Bft
7 mph - 2 Bft
2 mph - 1 Bft
5 mph - 2 Bft
6 mph - 2 Bft
3 mph - 1 Bft
6 mph - 2 Bft
Weather forecast for Thornton, Colorado, USA by
 nsn90 nsn80 sn80 nsn50 nbkn nsct sct nsn60 nbkn ovc bkn sct nfew sct nsct sct sn
Overcast, Some clouds, Definitely Snow Some clouds, Definitely Snow, Likely Snow, Chance Snow Some clouds, Chance Snow, Partly cloudy Some clouds, Partly cloudy, Chance Snow Some clouds, Chance Snow, Likely Snow, Partly cloudy Overcast, Partly cloudy, Some clouds Clear Some clouds Some clouds Some clouds, Chance Snow
10° 17° -1° 19° 12° -6° 37° 14° 35°
  UV Forecast  UV Forecast  UV Forecast  UV Forecast  UV Forecast
uv 1.5index rounded
uv 1.6index rounded
uv 1.4index rounded
uv 1.6index rounded
uv 1.6index rounded
Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation
0.02in 0.02in - 0.01in 0.01in - -in -in -in -in
Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow
1.89in 0.39in - 0.20in 0.98in - -in -in -in -in
Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from Wind from
NNE North North NNE NNE NE ENE SSW South NE NNW North NNE NE East South SSW SSW SW SSW NW North
NNE North North NNE NNE NE ENE SSW South NE NNW North NNE NE East South SSW SSW SW SSW NW North
Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed Windspeed
12 mph 10 mph 7 mph 6 mph 6 mph 6 mph 9 mph 9 mph 6 mph 7 mph
3 Bft Gentle breeze 3 Bft Gentle breeze 2 Bft Light breeze 2 Bft Light breeze 2 Bft Light breeze 2 Bft Light breeze 3 Bft Gentle breeze 3 Bft Gentle breeze 2 Bft Light breeze 2 Bft Light breeze
Forecast data created at Fri, 17-Jan-2025 7:28pm MST (39.92 - -104.93 ) NOAA Weather forecast for Thornton, Colorado, USA
Period Forecast Temperature Wind Precipitation Snow Humidity Dewpoint Clouds
7pm - 8pm  Overcast 10°
(Feels like: °F)
12 mph from the --
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
0.10 in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
1.81 in 78 % °F 100 %
8pm - 9pm nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
(Feels like: 14°F)
NNE 12 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
- in 85 % 21°F 100 %
9pm - 10pm nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
10° NNE 10 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
- in 88 % 19°F 100 %
10pm - 11pm nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
10° North 9 mph from the North
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
- in 88 % 19°F 100 %
11pm - 12am nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
10° North 9 mph from the North
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
0.09 in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
1.89 in 92 % 17°F 100 %
Period Forecast Temperature Wind Precipitation Snow Humidity Dewpoint Clouds
12am - 1am nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
(Feels like: 6°F)
NNE 9 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
- in 95 % 17°F 100 %
1am - 2am nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
(Feels like: 5°F)
NNE 8 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
- in 100 % 15°F 100 %
2am - 3am nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
(Feels like: 3°F)
NNE 8 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
- in 100 % 14°F 100 %
3am - 4am nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
(Feels like: 2°F)
NNE 8 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
- in 100 % 14°F 98 %
4am - 5am nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Moderate Snow
(Feels like: 1°F)
NNE 8 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 93%
- in 100 % 12°F 96 %
5am - 6am nsn90 Some clouds,
Definitely Light Snow
(Feels like: 0°F)
NNE 8 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
0.02 in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
0.39 in 100 % 12°F 94 %
6am - 7am nsn80 Some clouds,
Definitely Light Snow
(Feels like: -1°F)
North 8 mph from the North
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 100 % 10°F 93 %
7am - 8am nsn80 Some clouds,
Definitely Light Snow
(Feels like: -1°F)
North 8 mph from the North
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 96 % 10°F 93 %
8am - 9am sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: -3°F)
North 8 mph from the North
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 100 % 10°F 93 %
9am - 10am sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: -4°F)
NNE 9 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 100 % 10°F 92 %
10am - 11am sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: -1°F)
NNE 9 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 92 % 10°F 92 %
11am - 12pm sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: 1°F)
NNE 9 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
0.01 in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
0.20 in 83 % 10°F 91 %
12pm - 1pm sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: 2°F)
NNE 10 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 76 % 8°F 91 %
1pm - 2pm sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: 5°F)
NNE 9 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 67 % 8°F 91 %
2pm - 3pm sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: 5°F)
NNE 9 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 67 % 8°F 91 %
3pm - 4pm sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: 4°F)
NNE 9 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 70 % 8°F 87 %
4pm - 5pm sn80 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
(Feels like: 1°F)
NNE 8 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 84%
- in 77 % 6°F 89 %
5pm - 6pm sn80 Some clouds,
Chance Light Snow
(Feels like: -1°F)
North 9 mph from the North
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
0.02 in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
0.39 in 76 % 5°F 94 %
6pm - 7pm nsn50 Some clouds,
Chance Light Snow
(Feels like: 2°F)
NNE 7 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 73 % 5°F 92 %
7pm - 8pm nsn50 Some clouds,
Chance Light Snow
(Feels like: 3°F)
NNE 7 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 70 % 5°F 91 %
8pm - 9pm nsn50 Some clouds,
Chance Light Snow
(Feels like: 5°F)
NE 5 mph from the NE
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 73 % 5°F 89 %
9pm - 10pm nsn50 Some clouds,
Chance Light Snow
(Feels like: 3°F)
NE 5 mph from the NE
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 73 % 5°F 84 %
10pm - 11pm nsn50 Some clouds,
Chance Light Snow
(Feels like: 4°F)
ENE 3 mph from the ENE
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 76 % 5°F 80 %
11pm - 12am nbkn Partly cloudy -1°
(Feels like: 3°F)
East 3 mph from the East
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- 72 % 3°F 75 %
Period Forecast Temperature Wind Precipitation Snow Humidity Dewpoint Clouds
12am - 1am nbkn Partly cloudy -1°
(Feels like: 8°F)
East 2 mph from the East
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 73 % 1°F 67 %
1am - 2am nbkn Partly cloudy -1°
(Feels like: 6°F)
ESE 2 mph from the ESE
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 80 % 1°F 60 %
2am - 3am nbkn Partly cloudy -1°
(Feels like: 5°F)
SE 2 mph from the SE
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 79 % 1°F 52 %
3am - 4am nsct Some clouds -1°
(Feels like: 3°F)
South 2 mph from the South
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 83 % -1°F 47 %
4am - 5am nsct Some clouds -1° South 2 mph from the South
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 46%
- in 91 % -1°F 41 %
5am - 6am nsct Some clouds -1°
(Feels like: 3°F)
South 2 mph from the South
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
Chance of precipitation: 3%
- 79 % -3°F 28 %
6am - 7am nsct Some clouds -1°
(Feels like: 3°F)
SSW 2 mph from the SSW
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 3%
- in 79 % -3°F 31 %
7am - 8am nsct Some clouds 19°
(Feels like: 3°F)
SSW 2 mph from the SSW
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 3%
- in 79 % -3°F 33 %
8am - 11am sct Some clouds 19°
(Feels like: 3°F)
SSW 2 mph from the SSW
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 3%
- in 75 % -3°F 36 %
11am - 2pm sct Some clouds 19°
(Feels like: 6°F)
South 5 mph from the South
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
Chance of precipitation: 3%
- 58 % 1°F 44 %
2pm - 5pm bkn Partly cloudy 19°
(Feels like: 13°F)
NE 5 mph from the NE
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 3%
- in 44 % 1°F 62 %
5pm - 8pm sn Some clouds,
Slight Chance Light Snow

(Feels like: 10°F)
NNE 6 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
0.01 in
Chance of precipitation: 58%
0.20 in 51 % 3°F 78 %
8pm - 11pm nsn60 Some clouds,
Slight Chance Light Snow

(Feels like: 14°F)
NNW 2 mph from the NNW
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
- in
Chance of precipitation: 58%
- in 60 % 3°F 86 %
Period Forecast Temperature Wind Precipitation Snow Humidity Dewpoint Clouds
11pm - 2am nsn60 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow

(Feels like: 8°F)
North 3 mph from the North
Windforce: 1 Bft Light air
0.05 in
Chance of precipitation: 58%
0.98 in 70 % 5°F 93 %
2am - 5am nsn60 Some clouds,
Likely Light Snow
North 6 mph from the North
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 58%
- in 76 % 5°F 90 %
5am - 8am nbkn Partly cloudy 12°
(Feels like: -2°F)
NNE 6 mph from the NNE
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
0.01 in
Chance of precipitation: 12%
0.20 in 76 % 3°F 82 %
8am - 11am ovc Overcast 12°
(Feels like: -4°F)
NE 5 mph from the NE
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 12%
- in 79 % 1°F 88 %
11am - 2pm bkn Partly cloudy 12°
(Feels like: -2°F)
East 6 mph from the East
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
Chance of precipitation: 12%
- 63 % -1°F 73 %
2pm - 5pm bkn Partly cloudy 12°
(Feels like: 2°F)
East 6 mph from the East
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 12%
- in 50 % -4°F 55 %
5pm - 11pm sct Some clouds -6°
(Feels like: 0°F)
South 6 mph from the South
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 0%
- in 55 % -4°F 28 %
Period Forecast Temperature Wind Precipitation Snow Humidity Dewpoint Clouds
11pm - 5am nfew Clear -6°
(Feels like: -10°F)
SSW 7 mph from the SSW
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 0%
- in 62 % -8°F 9 %
5am - 11am nfew Clear 37°
(Feels like: -13°F)
SSW 9 mph from the SSW
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 0%
- in 65 % -8°F 21 %
11am - 5pm sct Some clouds 37°
(Feels like: 16°F)
SSW 9 mph from the SSW
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 0%
- in 50 % 10°F 37 %
5pm - 11pm sct Some clouds 14°
(Feels like: 24°F)
SW 6 mph from the SW
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 0%
- in 48 % 14°F 45 %
Period Forecast Temperature Wind Precipitation Snow Humidity Dewpoint Clouds
11pm - 5am nsct Some clouds 14° SSW 6 mph from the SSW
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 0%
- in 59 % 10°F 45 %
5am - 11am nsct Some clouds 35°
(Feels like: 9°F)
SSW 6 mph from the SSW
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 2%
- in 62 % 6°F 47 %
11am - 5pm sct Some clouds 35°
(Feels like: 23°F)
NW 7 mph from the NW
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 2%
- in 50 % 14°F 45 %
5pm - 11pm sn Some clouds,
Slight Chance Light Snow
(Feels like: 22°F)
North 6 mph from the North
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 15%
- in 50 % 12°F 60 %
Period Forecast Temperature Wind Precipitation Snow Humidity Dewpoint Clouds
11pm - 5am nsct Some clouds 12° West 6 mph from the West
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 15%
- in 67 % 10°F 49 %
5am - 11am nsct Some clouds 32°
(Feels like: 7°F)
WSW 6 mph from the WSW
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 9%
- in 73 % 8°F 42 %
11am - 5pm sct Some clouds 32°
(Feels like: 19°F)
WNW 8 mph from the WNW
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 9%
- in 50 % 12°F 40 %
5pm - 11pm sct Some clouds 15°
(Feels like: 23°F)
West 7 mph from the West
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 1%
- in 46 % 12°F 35 %
Period Forecast Temperature Wind Precipitation Snow Humidity Dewpoint Clouds
11pm - 5am nsct Some clouds 15° SW 7 mph from the SW
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 1%
- in 62 % 10°F 26 %
5am - 11am nfew Clear 42°
(Feels like: 8°F)
SW 8 mph from the SW
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 2%
- in 67 % 10°F 25 %
11am - 5pm sct Some clouds 42°
(Feels like: 26°F)
SW 8 mph from the SW
Windforce: 3 Bft Gentle breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 2%
- in 51 % 17°F 27 %
5pm - 8pm sct Some clouds 42°
(Feels like: 30°F)
SW 6 mph from the SW
Windforce: 2 Bft Light breeze
- in
Chance of precipitation: 2%
- in 50 % 19°F 35 %
Forecast data created at Fri, 17-Jan-2025 7:28pm MST (39.92 - -104.93 ) NOAA Weather forecast for Thornton, Colorado, USA

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